We need your feedback to help us decide which option best serves our students and families. Please visit the CCS website (http://www1.ccs.k12.in.us/district/student-services/Clay-Middle) to view minutes from the first meeting and click the Clay Middle School link on the far left column under Redistricting to send your e-comments to us. Although we will not be able to respond to each of you personally, we will be compiling a spread sheet which will allow us to share your input at our next meeting on November 2nd. Your comments are critically important because we are very committed to accurately conveying to the Middle School PAC the thoughts and opinions of our Clay Family, both present and future. You are welcome to attend the bimonthly PAC meetings, however be aware that there is no opportunity for public comment.
The Carmel Clay Administration shared 2 pieces of information which may be of interest in formulating your feedback. 1.) If the current elementary proposal is adopted and the current feeder system remains in place, the overcrowding at the west side middle schools will be alleviated. 2.) If Mohawk were to be united at either Clay or Carmel Middle School, the population of one school would be about 1600 and the other school 1000.
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