- If drafts occur around your windows and doors, use caulking or weather stripping to fill in the unwanted spaces. For drafty windows, you may even consider applying a thin plastic weather barrier on the inside of your windows during the winter months.
By design, your water heater is insulated, but it can always use an extra layer of protection. You can reduce heat loss without spending a lot of money by purchasing an insulating blanket for the unit.
- You can insulate your water pipes, particularly if they exist in unheated areas of your home.
- Remember to check the filters on your heating and cooling systems monthly and replace them regularly. Keeping up with annual maintenance and service is the key.
- When possible, replace any incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs which are more energy efficient and last longer too!
- Consider Replacement Windows: Although replacing the windows in your home can be costly. Energy efficient windows will save you a bundle of money in the long-run, particularly if your current windows are old and outdated.
- Install Exhaust Fans: Exhaust fans can pull unwanted heat and humidity from bathroom and kitchen spaces during the summer months.
- Install Ceiling Fans: Ceiling fans can help reduce your home’s dependence on air conditioning during the summer months and, in the winter you can use the fan to help push heat down from the ceiling.
- Install Programmable Thermostats: A programmable thermostat will reduce your energy costs by regulating the temperature in your home based on peak usage. In other words, your thermostat can keep lower the temperature during hours when the home is not occupied and pump it up while the family is gathered at home.
- Replace those Old Appliances: Particularly if you are using older model appliances, you may want to consider replacing them with more energy efficient models.
- Conserve Electricity: Turn off all electronic devices when not in use.
- Use the Sun: During winter months, keep all window covers on south facing windows open to allow for additional sunlight.
- Set Your Thermostat Wisely: In the winter, set your thermostat at 68° F. In the summer, set the thermostat at 78° F.
- Use Your Damper Properly: Close the damper when your fireplace is not in use.
By the DoItYourself.com Staff
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